5 Ways to Calculate ROI in Public Relations

Measuring communication results is not always an easy task, as it involves individualized issues such as market positioning and brand reputation. Thinking about all these possibilities, the question remains: how to calculate ROI in advisory services efficiently? Check out some tips in this article. 

5 ways to calculate ROI in the press office

Here on the blog, we have already talked about  the valuation system in advisory and how the rise of the internet has changed some processes, as well as the way the reader himself consumes information – with emphasis on the rise of social networks for reading news.

It was then necessary to come up with new ideas to determine the value of a successful pitch and better track ROI in the press office.

But which metrics to analyze? Check it out.

1. New leads

Lead generation, which is the capture of contacts with a high chance of becoming new business opportunities, is a great way to check ROI on media relations. 

To calculate the return on investment, this metric can be compared, for example, with:

  • Increase in revenue: which allows you to assess whether the new leads actually generate new business. With this calculation, you will track how much was generated, where this business came from, and the results that this growth brings to the client. 
  • Repercussion of the publication in vehicles relevant to the client: allowing us to punctually detect the impact and value of the insertion in the media.
  • Interaction with the brand after conversion: that is, measuring whether the company is building a reference image in the market, with first contacts being transformed into lasting relationships.

2. Visibility of digital channels 

Website accesses and interactions with the brand on social channels are an important source of information to measure the return on communication actions. Today, the publication of a news article mentioning the company, for example, tends to generate almost instant interest on the company’s digital points of contact.

But for the brand’s channels to be easily found, it is important that the communication team is aware of issues such as SEO (Search Engine Optimization) techniques.

With them, it is possible to improve a site’s ranking in the search pages organically.

This can be done by producing relevant content, investing in usability – among other tactics – in order to establish authority in the market. 

In her thesis “Organizational Communication, Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and visibility on Google“, Viviane Dutra Breyer, PhD in Communication, draws a direct relationship between SEO and press relations by explaining that, due to the dispute between the great amount of contents that circulate on the Internet.

According to Viviane, “one way to go is to use SEO techniques in the materials to be distributed to the press by the organizations, as well as to use the relationship with the press as one of the SEO strategies.

By applying these techniques in the release, the press office is able to help the company achieve better positioning in search engine ranking. This brings greater visibility and better chances of capturing leads and customers.

Thus, the ROI in press relations related to the news strategy can be calculated by controlling the content disseminated with SEO support.  

3. Origin of accesses on digital channels

Tracking where visitors to your digital channels are coming from also allows you to value the ROI in press relations. For example: an article published in a reference online vehicle with a link to your website generates several visits to a certain page. 

That’s link building! The practice – associated with SEO – consists in adding value to a given domain, starting from a network of internal and external links to and from relevant and recognized pages.

Thus, you can keep track of points such as:

  • where your visitors are coming from.
  • which origins generate the most business opportunities.
  • brand interactions.
  • or another important metric for your strategy. 

4. Space in journalistic vehicles

The follow-up of brand exposure via press consultancy in communication vehicles is already a traditional metric. Comparing the space conquered with the value of the equivalent advertising centimeter or second is part of measuring the ROI of a good communication action.

The difficulty, today, is to track results in thousands of on and off vehicles with the speed that new times demand. To get around this obstacle, it is necessary to have news analysis tools in digital, television, radio, and print media. 

Knewin offers a news monitoring platform with no keyword limitation and in 80 languages, providing a 360° view for the press office.

The tool also has customized reports, containing quantitative and qualitative information, showing campaign performance and ROI.

Other functionalities of Knewin News are automated and optimized content searches, which can be targeted to the brand, competition, and specific themes, according to the organization’s needs. In addition, it also offers reports developed through data collected in real time.  

5. Share of voice (SOV) Vs Roi in press relations

Although it has become popular in the marketing context, Share of Voice (SOV) is a metric that indicates the share of a brand’s communication compared to the competition.

This includes paid advertising, organic Google search, social networks, blogs, sponsored links, news, among others.

Therefore, SOV measures a company’s position in relation to its industry in digital media.

Considering that the press office plays a key role in the insertion of an organization in different communication channels, the Share of Voice can be employed as a metric to measure ROI.

Thus, the positive presence of a brand in many different conversations (from conventional media to social networks) impacts profit generation, as well as the organization’s own reputation. 

As we know, there are several ways to measure the value of the work performed by a press office, through the adoption of methods for calculating ROI that vary according to a company’s needs and objectives.

Although some older metrics are still useful, it is essential to always be aware of the latest techniques and platforms. Thus, the agency will not be stuck in time and will be able to measure the impact on all communication channels in which the organization is disclosed. 

To find more information about ROI strategies in press relations and the most suitable monitoring solution for your business, contact Knewin. We can leverage your brand’s results with our solutions.