Monitor your brand image in real time

Monitor mentions of your brand in the press and on social networks in real time. Use this information to base assertive decisions on your strategy. Identify market trends and obtain a detailed analysis of the competition, improving your actions and preventing potential crises.

of vehicles monitored in Brazil and Latin America
+ 0 million
automated sentiment
Analysis 0
radio, TV, online, print and social networks
Monitor 0
of retroactive clipping to monitor past actions
Up to 0 years

Get access to brand mentions in all types of media

Monitor news about your brand in more than 1 million media outlets around the world and analyze the impact of your publications in all types of media: radio, TV, internet and print. Know the solution

Evaluate the impact of publications on the brand's stakeholders

Improve your analysis and make strategic decisions by understanding the impact of the news on your brand's image - through sentiment analysis - and find out whether the public's perception of the publication was negative, neutral or positive. Know the solution

With Cliping from Knewin Comunique-se, you get automated valuation and sentiment analysis

Discover the value of your news

Simplify the measurement of results in corporate communication with a precise method of advertising equivalence: centimetering or valuation. Find out how much the publication would be worth if it were an advertisement and measure the results automatically. Know the solution

Always be up to date on what's being said about your brand

Get complete autonomy to build monitors, choosing media types, languages and search expressions. Set up customized alerts and be notified whenever a new story is captured. Customize the visual identity of the alerts and always be up to date with the latest news. Know the solution

Monitor the evolution of your brand's reputation

Measure results on a chronological scale for strategic decisions and follow the evolution of your brand's reputation with Retrospective Clipping. Retrieve news from the past in all types of media at no additional cost to your monitoring. Know the solution

Build impact reports quickly

Optimize your time and make an impact by creating reports with an innovative design in just a few clicks. The drag-and-drop technology makes it possible to create personalized presentations in minutes, with ready-made and editable templates, allowing you to apply your brand's or clients' visual identity, speeding up the presentation of results. Know the solution

Knewin’s Comunique-se 360 Clipping service monitors more than 1 million media outlets around the world in real time, delivering the most complete clipping on the market.

Comprehensive news monitoring across radio, TV, internet and print makes it easier to predict and manage crises, obtain the information needed for decision-making, market and competition analysis, and map trends and innovations.

Customized reports can be created in the blink of an eye to present the results gathered through the news monitoring work.

Fill in the form below and find out how the clipping service will boost your business.

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