Spontaneous media, or earned media, is the organic mention of a brand in the media. To measure the reach and return on this type of exposure, it is necessary to count on indicators that include both the press and social media. So, in this article we will talk about metrics capable of measuring the repercussion of an action in various contexts.
How to use each metric?
1. Media Valuation
Media valuation, or centimeters, is a metric that has been used for over seventy years to evaluate the financial return on organic brand exposure. It takes into account the space gained from an interview versus the cost of that same space in a paid media action on the media vehicle in question.
Therefore, the return on investment on the work of the Press Office can be evaluated both in printed media (cost of advertising space x size occupied by the news) and on TV or radio (using as a calculation factor the time occupied by a report or interview).
2. Sentiment analysis
Customer comments and reviews are also considered spontaneous media. What is said by customers (whether good or bad) is the basis for a qualitative evaluation, which classifies mentions as positive, negative, and neutral, based on emotions and opinions.
This work allows us to map consumer dissatisfaction, evaluate the receptivity of products and services, the repercussion of content, and possible brand ambassadors (which can be consumers or digital influencers).
3. Negative mentions
Within the sentiment analysis of spontaneous media, it is essential to track and evaluate negative mentions. This work is basic to better understand the audience, evaluate actions, generate insights for brand repositioning, and direct crisis prevention strategies.
Peloton, a US gym equipment company, is an example of the importance of monitoring negative mentions. In November 2019, when it launched a new model of exercise bike, it saw a surge in engagement on Twitter.
The numbers could be exciting, if the mentions were not mostly critical of the advertisement and the value of the product. In cases like this, monitoring comments allows us to revise the action before more damage is done.
4. Knewin Score
Another way to measure spontaneous media is the Knewin Score Indicator. Created by Knewin, it ranks mentions and assesses the context by type of media, whether traditional or social.
With this indicator, we evaluate the spontaneous media space, the reach of that medium, most influential vehicles in the industry, penetration and visibility achieved based on positive and negative representative values (even identifying the brand’s reputation).
Likes, mentions, and shares are some of the indicators that can be worked on. But the challenge here is to collect information in large amounts and in real time to show a complete picture.
For this reason, Knewin developed Match Social, a platform that evaluates the impact of a traditional media URL by tracking its sharing on social media.
The tool associates several quantitative and qualitative indicators, showing in reports and dashboard the results obtained by a news item, interview, or report mentioning the brand in the social networks.
Measuring spontaneous media is a way to demonstrate the impact of an action, both in the reputation of a brand and in the financial issue. However, it is important to invest in indicators that cover more than just the centimeter, contemplating the other possibilities available to measure results in the digital world.
To find more information about communication and marketing strategies and the most adequate monitoring solution for your business, contact Knewin. We can leverage your brand’s results with our solutions.